

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.  John 8:12
NewStory Youth Ministry exists to journey with students as they find and follow Jesus. We hope to provide a safe and welcoming environment for middle and high school students to journey (to explore their faith), to find (to discover & declare their faith), and to follow (to commit to faith) Jesus Christ.
Each Sunday our youth students will participate in corporate worship and engage with peers in Small Group. We believe that a consistent community of faith is essential to growing in faith. It is our hope that they will freely explore their faith and claim it as their own before they leave our ministry.

Community is an essential part of the church experience.  To facilitate healthy relationships between peers our youth ministry hosts several events throughout the year.  From serving at our annual Pumpkin Bash, to Christmas parties, and theme park outings we hope to foster an environment where everyone is welcome and knows that they belong.

Currently our Youth Ministry meets every Sunday in person at 9am


Our Middle School Ministry serves 6th-8th graders and encourages them to explore their faith.  We want our students to ask the tough questions and to investigate what it really means to love God.


Our High School Ministry serves 9th-12th graders and is geared towards having students claim their faith as their own.  Our goal is to teach and train each student what it looks like to live as a true follower of Christ.  We want them to be God’s tangible expression of love out in the world.
If you have any questions about our youth ministry, please contact us at  To stay informed about everything happening in Youth ministry, please sign up for our weekly newsletter.