Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Short-Term Mission Trips are about joining God in writing His story all around the world. Whether it is to come alongside our missionaries just to listen to their stories of joy and challenges, or to join a group of local believers to reach out to their neighbors. They provide us a window to witness God at work, to help write many new stories for the people we went to love. More than that, mission trips provide us an opportunity to connect more deeply with His presence and His heart, rendering another unforgettable new story of our own. We are excited about this year’s mission trip opportunities and we hope you get to experience one for yourself as well.

Short-Term Mission Trips
Indonesia 🇮🇩
Youth (9th-12th Grade)
VBS and Sports Camp with a local school
Dates: July 25 - Aug 5
VBS and Sports Camp with a local school
Dates: July 25 - Aug 5
Vietnam 🇻🇳
Orphanage ministry
Providing tutoring programs for students
Partnering with the local church pastors and leaders with local outreach
End of November - Beginning of Dec (TBD)
Providing tutoring programs for students
Partnering with the local church pastors and leaders with local outreach
End of November - Beginning of Dec (TBD)
Indonesia 🇮🇩
From March 6-16, our team of eight people from NewStory will be in Indonesia, supporting the incredible work God is doing through the local Indonesian pastors, education ministries, and missionaries.
Our primary focus will be:
- Ministering to the Indonesian church planters and missionaries
- Developing teachers and mentoring students for their career path at Christian international school
- Sharing Jesus’ love with Unreached People Groups at a trash mountain in Southeast Asia, in remote villages, and at an Islamic school in South Sumatra
- Encouraging the hearts of long-term missionaries and their families
Please pray for:
- Team Unity and our hearts to be open to the Spirit
- We would emanate Jesus’ love to each person that we will meet
- Our ministry partners and hosts in Indonesia
- God’s protection over us spiritually, physically, emotionally