We refuse to lament. We want our lives (especially the “Christian” parts) to be shiny, happy, warm & fuzzy. Always. But life doesn’t work that way. Pain, suffering and impossible situations are all a part of our broken world. And lament backs down from none of these. In this series we will examine the OT book of Lamentations which provides a biblical and theological lens for examining our relationship with struggles and a less than perfect life. Together we’ll see how embracing the pain provides the pathway to engaging aspects of God we did not know before. We will move from pain and pleas of mercy to praise and a deeper trust in His promises.
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Lamentations Video Overview
Emotions Wheel
Songs of Lament, Surrender, and Hope Filled Praise. Together we’ll see how embracing the pain provides the pathway to engaging aspects of God we did not know before. We hope that these songs will help you move from pain and pleads of mercy to praise and a deeper trust in His promises.

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